• Njoftim për konsultim publik: Draft “Strategjia Kombëtare për Parandalimin e Pastrimit të Parave dhe Financimit të Terrorizmit 2024-2030″

Grupi Teknik Ndërinstitucional i Punës (GTNP) ngritur me vendim të Komitetit të Bashkërendimit të Luftës Kundër Pastrimit të Parave (KBLKPP) po asistohet nga ekspertë vendas dhe ndërkombëtar për hartimin e Strategjisë Kombëtare “Për parandalimin  e pastrimit të parave dhe financimit të terrorizmit 2024-2030” dhe planit të saj të veprimit.

Miratimi i kësaj strategjie do të shërbej si dokumenti kryesor udhëzues për vitet 2024-2030 për të gjithë institucionet përgjegjës për parandalimin e pastrimit të parave dhe financimin e terrorizmit.

Gjatë muajit Mars 2024 janë organizuar një sërë takimesh konsultuese me institucionet anëtare të GTNP për të diskutuar më nga afër mbi problematikat aktuale që secili institucion ka ndeshur gjatë punës së përditshme dhe mënyrës sesi këto problematika mund të zgjidhen dhe të përkthehen me masa konkrete në këtë strategji.

Në përfundim të këtyre takimeve dhe në përmbledhje të adresimit të gjithë rekomandimeve nga institucionet/subjektet e konsultuara është hartuar drafti i parë i “Strategjisë Kombëtare për Parandalimin e Pastrimit të Parave dhe Financimit të Terrorizmit 2024-2030” të cilin po e publikojmë në këtë faqe interneti me synim konsultimin publik dhe mbledhjen e  sugjerime apo rekomandime të mëtejshme për përmirësimin e saj.

Ju lutemi merrni në konsideratë të përcillni reagimet përkatëse në këtë fazë konsultimi fillestar deri më 15 Korrik 2024 duke shkruar në këtë adresë email: info@bmp.al.

Draft “Strategjia Kombëtare për Parandalimin e Pastrimit të Parave dhe Financimit të Terrorizmit 2024-2030” (kliko këtu).

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 31 March 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the March 31 2021 exam "Governance of commercial companies and the practical application of professional and business ethics requirements" are notified that the exam will take place from 12:00 to 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at “Gjergj Fishta’ Boulevard 52, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee VI: 20,000 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 30 March 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 24 March 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/Certified Accountant who will participate in the exam on 24 March 2021 are notified "Implementation of appropriate organizational and management models, internal control of business entities and the use of information systems and informatics", that the exam will take place from 12:00 to 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard 52, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 20,000 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 23 March 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!


Candidates participating in the exams to obtain the title of Statutory Auditor or Certified Accountant, have the right to appeal for the administrative review of the test. The review request must be accompanied by proof of payment for the review which is half of the exam fee and is made to the same bank account where the candidates have made the exam fee payments.

The appeal is made in writing to the technical secretariat of the CPCE, notifying the POB, or directly to the support structure of the POB.

The administrative review process is carried out by persons selected from the support structure or external experts, and includes the review of the entire administrative process related to the evaluation of the candidate who appealed the result and the announcement of the result by CPCE. The administrative review process includes a copy of the summary record of the evaluation by each corrector and the recalculation of the points for each candidate, and the verification of the notebooks and the number of exercises completed by each candidate who appealed the process.

For any ambiguity, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address info@bmp.al | kpap@bmp.al & contact number +3554 562 84 41.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 17 March 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the exam on 17 March 2021 "Working procedures for auditing financial statements, according to the requirements of international auditing standards" are notified that the exam will take place from 12 :00 to 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at “Gjergj Fishta’ Boulevard 52, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 20,000 ALL

Afati i fundit i pranimit të pagesave dhe dorëzimit të mandatit të pagesës për këtë provim do të jetë data 16 Mars 2021, ora 15:00.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 04 March 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the exam on 04 March 2021 "Implementation in practice of the requirements of tax legislation in the Republic of Albania" are notified that the exam will take place from 12:00 until 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana.

The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

Afati i fundit i pranimit të pagesave dhe dorëzimit të mandatit të pagesës për këtë provim do të jetë data 03 Mars 2021, ora 15:00.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 27 February 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will take part in the exam on 27 February 2021 "The practical application of legislation on civil law, criminal law, commercial legislation and labor law in the Republic of Albania, are notified. to the extent that these are of interest to the profession of legal auditing of financial statements", that the exam will take place from 12:00 to 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana.

The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 26 February 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • NNotice of the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 20 February 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the exam on 20 February 2021 "Reporting and preparation of financial statements, according to national and international financial reporting standards" are notified that the exam will take place from 1:00 p.m.: 00 to 17:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana.

The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 19 February 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the CPCE Technical Secretariat & Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 13 February 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditors who will participate in the Exam dated 13 February 2021, entitled "Governance of commercial companies and the practical application of professional and business ethics requirements", are notified that the exam will take place from 12:00 until 16:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 20,000 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 12 February 2021, 4:00 p.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice of extension of the registration deadline for the 2021 season

All candidates interested in obtaining the titles Statutory Auditor and Certified Accountant are informed that, within the requirements of the candidates, the registration process for the professional skills exams of the 2021 season at the Technical Secretariat of the Professional Organization of Legal Auditors (IEKA) will continue until on Friday 12.02.2021, during the schedule 13:00 - 19:00.

A copy of the request together with the payment mandate is submitted to the POB Public Oversight Board.

Candidates who have registered in the previous season, should only submit the request to CPCE to participate in the exams.

For any ambiguity, you can contact the technical secretariat of CPCE at the address: kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al as well as at no. phone: +355 4 562 8441.

We wish you success!

  • Notice of the time and place of the Statutory Auditor/Accountant exam on 6 February 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditors who will participate in the Exam dated 06 February 2021, entitled "Implementation of appropriate organizational and management models, internal control of business entities and the use of information and IT systems" are notified. that the exam will take place from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

adresë në Bulevardin Gjergj Fishta 52, Tiranë. Tarifa e provimit do të kryhet në llogarinë bankare me detajet e mëposhtme:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 20,000 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 05 February 2021, at 6:00 p.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al)

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice of the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 22 January 2021

All candidates for Statutory Auditors who will participate in the Exam on 22 January 2021 entitled "Working procedures for auditing financial statements, according to the requirements of international auditing standards", are notified that the exam will take place from 13:00 until 17:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at 52 “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 20,000 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be January 22, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al).

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice of the time and place of the Statutory Auditor/Accountant exam on 23 December 2020

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will take part in the Exam on 23 December 2020 "Implementation of tax and tax legislation requirements in the Republic of Albania" are notified that the exam will take place from 2:00 p.m.: 00 to 18:00 at the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard 52, Tirana. The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 21 December 2020, 4:00 p.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al).

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 19 December 2020

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the Exam of 19 December 2020 "The practical application of legislation on civil law, criminal law, commercial legislation and labor law in the Republic of Albania, to the extent that these are of interest to the profession of legal auditing of financial statements", that the exam will take place from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the premises of the Mediterranean University with address at “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard 52, Tirana. The exam fee will to be made to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be December 17, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document certifying the payment to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al).

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice about the time and place of the exam for Statutory Auditor/Accountant dated 12 December 2020

All candidates for Statutory Auditor/ Certified Accountant who will participate in the 12 December 2020 Exam "Reporting and preparation of financial statements, according to national and international financial reporting standards" are notified that the exam will take place from 1:00 p.m.: 00 to 17:00 in the premises of Barleti University with the address “Rruga e Kosovare” (near the dam of the Artificial Lake). The exam fee will be paid to the bank account with the following details:

Bank: BKT
Account Name: Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Exam fee V: 17,500 ALL

The deadline for accepting payments and submitting the payment mandate for this exam will be 09 December 2020, 4:00 p.m. Please submit a scanned electronic copy of the bank document that proves the payment has been made to the Technical Secretariat of CPCE & the Support Structure of the Public Oversight Board within the aforementioned deadline. (kpap@bmp.al & info@bmp.al).

On the day of the exam, candidates must have an identification document (passport or ID card), a calculator and the mandate that proves payment for the exam and must appear at least 1 hour before the start of the exam equipped with a protective mask and disinfectants.

We wish you success!

  • Notice dated 05/11/2020 for a job position as "Specialist for Legal Affairs of the Public Oversight Board"

The Public Oversight Board, established under Law no. 100 91 dated 05.03.2009, "" On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant ", amended, with headquarters at "Ismail Qemali" street, Building 5, Floor II, Apt. 8, Tirana, seeks to hire a " Specialist for Legal Affairs ".

The candidate must meet the following criteria:

- Be an Albanian citizen with permanent residence in the Republic of Albania;

– To have the ability to act;

- To have completed the university studies of the second cycle in Law;

- That disciplinary measures of dismissal from work have not been taken against him/her due to a serious disciplinary violation;

- Not to be convicted or prosecuted by the justice bodies;

- To master the English language at an acceptable level and suitable for work.

The necessary documentation that the candidate must submit:

- Motivation letter;

– Identification Document;

– CV;

– Photocopy of diploma and list of grades;

– Work reference from the previous employer.

Interested persons must submit these documents by 13.11.2020.

  • Notice dated 02/11/2020 for a member of the CPCE

The Public Oversight Board pursuant to the requirements of Regulation no. 2 dated 22.02.2018 "On the functioning of the commission for the professional competence examinations of the process of testing candidates for statutory auditors and certified accountants of the Public Oversight Board" as amended, notifies all university lecturers to submit the request them as a member of the CPCE near the POB.

The members of this commission must fulfill the following criteria:

1. To have completed, at least, the second cycle university studies, at the "Master" level or to have a university diploma equivalent to this level, as well as to have specialized in the fields of economics and/or jurisprudence, which must be related to auditing, accounting and finance, with professional experience of no less than ten years, or 7 years of work experience, in case they hold a scientific degree or title.

Also, you should:

- Be Albanian citizens;

- Not to be convicted by a final decision by the court;

- Not to have a conflict of interest with the members of the Public Oversight Board or the supervision structures of the commission's activity;

- Not to be engaged in political roles or functions;

- Not to be in the governing structures/councils of more than one of the bodies/institutions/organizations provided for in Law No. 10091/2009, amended, that are directly or indirectly related to the selection and activity of CPCE.

In addition to the above criteria, the following criteria will be considered preferential:

- Have experience in lectures or professional training in the field of auditing, accounting and finance;

- Have publications in scientific journals, conferences or participation in various research-scientific activities at least in the last 5 years in the field of auditing, accounting and finance.

Interested persons must submit these documents to POB.

  • Notice dated 03/10/2020 for the position of "Senior Quality Control Inspector of the Public Oversight Board" 

The Public Oversight Board, established under Law no. 10091 dated 05.03.2009, " On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant ", amended, with headquarters at Rruga "Ismail Qemali", Building 5, Floor II, Apt. 8, Tirana, seeks to hire a "Senior Quality Control Inspector".

The candidate must meet the following criteria: 

- Be an Albanian citizen with permanent residence in the Republic of Albania;

– To have the ability to act;

- To have completed second-cycle university studies or to have a university degree equivalent to this level in auditing, accounting or finance profiles, as well as to have at least 10 years of general work experience in the field of legal auditing and financial reporting, combined with specific training for providing quality assurance. If the trainings are considered insufficient, they must be carried out within two years from the moment of concluding the employment contract;

- Not to exercise the profession of legal auditor and not to be employed or engaged with a legal auditor or audit company;

- Not to be convicted or prosecuted by the justice bodies;

- To master the English language.

 The necessary preliminary documentation that the candidate must submit: - Letter of motivation;

– Identification Document;

– CV;

– Photocopy of diploma and list of grades;

– Self-declaration form;

– Work reference from the previous employer.

Interested persons must submit these documents to the address info@bmp.al by 19.10.2020.

Only candidates who meet the requirements of the position will be notified to participate in the interview.

  • Notice dated 03/08/2020 for a job position as "Specialist for Legal Affairs of the Public Oversight Board"

The Public Oversight Board, established under Law no. 100 91 dated 05.03.2009, "" On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant ", amended, with headquarters at "Ismail Qemali" street, Building 5, Floor II, Apt. 8, Tirana, seeks to hire a " Specialist for Legal Affairs ".

The candidate must meet the following criteria:

- Be an Albanian citizen with permanent residence in the Republic of Albania;

– To have the ability to act;

- To have completed the university studies of the second cycle in Law;

- That disciplinary measures of dismissal from work have not been taken against him/her due to a serious disciplinary violation;

- Not to be convicted or prosecuted by the justice bodies;

- To master the English language at an acceptable level and suitable for work.

The necessary documentation that the candidate must submit:

- Motivation letter;

– Identification Document;

– CV;

– Photocopy of diploma and list of grades;

– Work reference from the previous employer.

Interested persons must submit these documents by 14.08.2020.

  • Notice dated 02/04/2020 for a job position as "Specialist for Legal Affairs of the Public Oversight Board"

The Public Oversight Board, established under Law no. 100 91 dated 05.03.2009, "" On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant ", amended, with headquarters at "Ismail Qemali" street, Building 5, Floor II, Apt. 8, Tirana, seeks to hire a " Specialist for Legal Affairs ".

The candidate must meet the following criteria:

- Be an Albanian citizen with permanent residence in the Republic of Albania;

– To have the ability to act;

- To have completed the university studies of the second cycle in Law;

-Have work experience of not less than five years;

-Disciplinary measures of dismissal from work have not been taken against him/her due to a serious disciplinary violation;

-Not to be convicted or prosecuted by the justice bodies;

-To master the English language at an acceptable level and suitable for work.

The necessary documentation that the candidate must submit:

- Motivation letter;

-Identification Document;


Photocopy of diploma and list of grades;

Work reference from the previous employer.

Interested persons must submit these documents by 10.04.2020.

  • Notice

Following the special measures taken by the Albanian Government in the context of the prevention of the infectious disease COVID-19, we inform you that:

1. Interviews for all activities of the commissions to the subjects of supervision are postponed until April 3, 2020, subject to a second announcement if there will be further changes.

2. Please, for any question, write to us at the postal address: info@bmp.al

You will be informed about all relevant changes below!

Thank you for understanding!

  • Notice dated 07/02/2020 for a job position as "Specialist for Other Administrative Matters"

The Public Oversight Board, established under Law no. 100 91 dated 05.03.2009, """ On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant ", amended, with headquarters at "Ismail Qemali" street, Building 5, Floor II, Apt. 8, Tirana, seeks to hire a "Specialist for Other Administrative Matters".

The candidate must meet the following criteria:

- Be an Albanian citizen with permanent residence in the Republic of Albania;

– To have the ability to act;

- To have completed second cycle university studies in Law or Social Sciences;

- Have work experience of not less than three years;

- That disciplinary measures of dismissal from work have not been taken against him/her due to a serious disciplinary violation;

- Not to be convicted or prosecuted by the justice bodies;

- To master the English language at an acceptable level and suitable for work.

The necessary documentation that the candidate must submit:

- Motivation letter;

– Identification Document;

– CV;

– Photocopy of diploma and list of grades;

– Work reference from the previous employer.

Interested persons must submit these documents by 13.02.2020.

  • Notice for the candidates "Certified Accountant" (CA) and "StatutoryAuditor" (SA) 

The Public Oversight Board is reviewing the regulatory framework related to the process of professional skills exams in support of the recommendations received from Mr. Brookfield, an expert in the certification processes of accounting professionals at ICAEW, as well as an expert engaged by the World Bank. POB has decided that all processes related to the certification and training of candidates will start after the change of the regulatory framework, amendments which will be in force no later than the month of July 2020. To carry out this process in support of the calendar of the work suggested by Mr. Brookfield will create a working group with experts from all public and private institutions as well as international ones related to the accounting profession.

Also, using this announcement, we want to emphasize that only CA organizations approved and recognized by POB have the right to conduct professional courses in support of legal provisions. These courses will be developed after the relevant amendments and after the approval of the curricula, programs and lecturers in support of the regulatory acts of POB and professional organizations of approved accountants recognized by the Public Oversight Board.

Any person who aspires to be included as a candidate for these processes is requested to inform the POB about the organizations recognized by law that have the legal right to carry out these processes. We emphasize that attending the courses without first ensuring that the requirements are met, based on the regulatory and legal framework in force, gives the POB the right to not recognize the process, while the organization/individual loses the right to enter the professional exams.

Thank you very much!

The Public Oversight Board
