The Public Oversight Boardwith the status of an independent regulatory authority, was established to carry out public oversight and to ensure that statutory auditors and audit firms are subject to a system that provides quality assurance. The supervision of the profession of statutory auditors and auditing firms is carried out by the public oversight board, both directly by supervising all statutory auditors and auditing firms and through the oversight of the activity of the professional organization of statutory auditors.
The purpose of the system of public oversight of statutory auditors and audit firms is to increase the certainty that statutory audits are carried out in a transparent, controlled, and careful environment and in the service of the public interest.
- Based on the provisions of Law No. 10091, dated 05.03.2009 "On statutory audit, organization of the profession of statutory auditor and certified accountant", as amended, Article 5, POB has the following rights and duties: designs the rules of operation of the Commission of the Professional Competence Examinations (CPCE) and the Registration Committee for statutory auditors and audit firms, which are presented for approval to the authorities provided for in this Law;
- oversees, monitors and evaluates the implementation of the testing and registration procedures of statutory auditors and audit firms;
- approves the format of the public register of statutory auditors and audit firms registered by the Registration Committee, and supervises compliance with the rules regarding the identification number of statutory auditors in the register;
- approves the Code of Ethics of statutory auditors and audit firms, prepared and proposed by the professional organization of statutory auditors and supervises the implementation of the standards of this Code;
- designs and approves the Quality Assurance regulation and the relevant manual relating to quality control;
- oversees the quality control process and the implementation of the provisions of the Quality Control Regulation; oversees the programs and the continuous professional education of statutory auditors;
- adopts regulations on investigation and procedures for taking disciplinary measures;
- supervises, through the supporting structure commissions, the activity of the Professional Organizations Investigation Commissions;
- when it deems necessary, conducts additional investigations for statutory auditors and audit firms;
- Miraton dhe publikon programet vjetore të punës dhe raportet e veprimtarive të tij;
- Shqyrton dhe merr vendim për rastet e shkeljeve disiplinore, që janë kompetencë e tij;
- Shqyrton dhe merr vendim për aspekte apo çështje të tjera, të parashikuara në këtë ligj, që janë brenda objektit të veprimtarisë së tij.
- reviews and decides on complaints made by candidates regarding their registration; approves and publishes annual work programmes and reports of its activity; examines and decides on cases of disciplinary breaches, in its competence; approves other regulatory acts in its competence; reviews and makes decisions on other aspects or issues provided for in this Law that are within the object of its activity; approves the statutes of professional organizations in the field of accounting and oversees their organization and functioning.
Mission and vision
Governing Bodies
Organizational and Supportive Structure
POB Bank Accounts
Mission and vision
The mission involves enhancing the assurance of statutory audits conducted in a transparent, controlled, and meticulous environment, serving the public interest, as well as improving the quality of financial reporting. Increasing security in statutory audits which are carried out in a transparent, controlled and careful environment and in the service of the public interest, as well as improving the quality of financial reporting.
Strategic Objectives of the Public Oversight Board (POB)
- Enhancing public trust in the quality of financial reporting and establishing a transparent and well-monitored environment regarding the services provided by accounting professionals and the role of professional organizations as subjects of oversight.
- Coordinating activities with all institutions, regulators, or other authorities to serve the protection of the public interest.
- Coordinating activities with other regional and international counterparts to focus on improving practices and the oversight system.
Governing Bodies
The Governing Bodies of the Public Oversight Board
The governing bodies of the Public Oversight Board consist of the chairman, board members, executive director and supporting structure.
Board members are appointed by the Minister responsible for finance, with a mandate for a period of 4 years, with the right to be re-elected not more than twice.
The composition of the Public Oversight Board, approved by the order of the Minister of Finance no. 29/1, dated 01.12.2021, "On the appointment and mandate of the chairman and members of the Public Oversight Board," is as follows:
- Dritan FINO (Chairman)
- Adriana BERBERI (Member)
- Luan ABAZI (Member)
- Martin MICI (Member)
- Gjergji DURO (Member)
Organizational and Supportive Structure
1. Code of Ethics
2. Organisational Structure
3. Support Structure
The supporting structure operates in accordance with law No. 10091, dated 5.3.2009, , DCM No. 786, dated 9.11.2016, and the current regulatory framework.
The components of the supporting structure include commissions, committees, and internal personnel, encompassing inspectors and administrative staff.
POB Bank Accounts
Designation: The Public Oversight Board
Account number: 434003100
IBAN: AL4520511344003100CLOTCLALLI
Designation: The Public Oversight Board
Account number: C0100001025398
IBAN: AL11212115730000000001025398
Designation: The Public Oversight Board
Account number: C0100001025401
IBAN: AL27212115730000000001025401