The Public Oversight Board, with the status of an independent regulatory authority, was established to carry out public oversight and ensure that statutory auditors and audit firms that are subject to a system that provides quality assurance. The supervision of the profession of statutory auditors and auditing firms is carried out by the board, both directly, by supervising all statutory auditors and auditing firms, and through the supervision of the activity of the professional organization of statutory auditors.
Enhancing public trust in the quality of financial reporting and establishing a transparent and well-monitored environment regarding the services provided by accounting professionals and the role of professional organizations as subjects of oversight.
Engagement with partners is an ongoing process through which we aim to build public trust. Partners play a crucial role in achieving the goals of the Public Oversight Board.
BMP Anëtar pranë IFIAR
International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (Forumi Ndërkombëtar i Rregullatorëve të Pavarur të Auditimit)
CFRR – The World Bank
Qendra e Reformave për Raportimin Financiar (CFRR), pjesë e praktikës Globale të Qeverisjes së Bankës Botërore.